Launch of the ACCES 2 Project

SC Rogepa SRL, as beneficiary, in partnership with CERC – SC Centrul de Excelență pentru Resurse Comunitare SRL, have launched the Access to training and your career project, on February 9, 2021.

The main objective of the project is the improvement of access and participation in continuous professional training for 660 persons through information, counseling, training, and innovative activities. These activities favor the growth of their qualification level and the update and development of competencies that are specific to the knowledge economy

Expected Results:

  • 660 employed persons (with low qualification levels, from rural areas, of 40 years of age) benefit from continuous professional training programs.
  • All 660 people included in the target group will also benefit from professional career counseling and training counseling
  • The people that will participate in workshops will develop their professional skills but also their soft skills and learning skills.
  • 561 persons will be awarded certificates
  • 385 persons will access a better job
  • Everybody involved will gain access to an online library of instruments for assessing their professional skills but also improving their skills through formal and non-formal education.
  • 30 people will have the opportunity to participate in an international study tour to gain knowledge and good practice examples of continuous education in the EU.
  • We will shift the perceptions of the horizontal and secondary principles that are promoted by the EU in the eyes of the 660 project participants.

The total value of the project is 4.714.474,22 lei, and the value of the EU founding is 4.478.750,70 lei.

The project’s activities will unfold over a period of 24 months, from February 2nd, 2021 until February 8th, 2023.

Project Manager,
Liviana Marinescu

The „ACCESS training and your career” project is cofounded through The European Social Fund through The Operational Program Human Capital 2014-2020.

The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Romanian Government.
For detailed information about the other programs that are cofounded by the European Union, visit